Sites @ UMW Project

I was FINALLY able to create my fictions site for this project and I’m really stoked about it!

The link is :

The difference between Sites @ UMW and Domain Of Ones Own is customization and user experience. Sites was much easier to get up and running, in total it took me around 45 mins to make the website, as oppose to several shifts it took me with DoOO. As mentioned in last week’s training meeting, there was far less customization but also less room for error. Sites @ UMW is what most people THINK website building is like, but DoOO is the full kit and caboodle, you can customize and edit nearly anything on your website, but that can also lead to it crashing or messing something else on your website.

By MacK

One thought on “Sites @ UMW Project”
  1. I love the unicorns! Does the theme default display the blog posts like that on the front page? It is kind of an interesting layout.

    I like your explanation of the difference between Sites@UMW and DoOO. I think you are right about people imagining website building more like Sites@UMW experience. It is why it is a great way for someone to get started and done quickly!

    As a side note I noticed the unicorn image doesn’t have any alt text. It is good to keep practicing these skills so they can become ingrained habits.

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