The Reckoning of Zoe…

Link to video:

WOW! This project was so much fun but also a doozy! I have learned so much from doing this project. In the beginning, I decided (for whatever reason) I wanted to go a more plot-driven route with the video. However, my ambitions got the best of me and halfway through the project I realized that it will be far too long and I had to make some drastic cuts. What we are left with now is an amalgamation of the clips I cobbled together, being held together with dramatics and sound effects. I recorded some of my own sounds to add to the video as well as source others from royalty-free websites. The biggest critique from my peers was that there were not enough editing and sound effect bits, so I doubled them and tried my hand at comedic timing. Essentially I “committed to the bit”. I used Canva as the editor because after the small video editing assignment, I wanted to test the limits of Canva. Overall a refreshing and enriching learning experince, I can’t wait for the next big project! Can’t wait to see everyone else’s.

By MacK

One thought on “The Reckoning of Zoe…”
  1. I enjoyed this video a lot! I love the sound effect you added. They really add to your creation. Also, I absolutely love Arden’s character!

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